So It’s New Zealand Book Month....the poor cousin to New Zealand Music Month....
Michele Powles, the unsung heroine Director of New Zealand Book Month (her budget barely covers her salary and she has to fundraise to get paid at all) together with a small but committed team have put together a series of cool events to get behind. You can contribute to an ongoing judge the Sunday Star times short story competition...attend free workshops...enter competitions etc etc. There is lots happening on their website...
ASB Bank have come to the New Zealand Book Month party with a cool competition for kids,
Read a Kiwi book, write a letter about it, deposit your letter in an ASB Wordbank and be in to WIN!
The competition opens in October so you can start getting ready by reading New Zealand books!
next - choose a favourite book by a Kiwi author
then - write a letter to the Kiwi author of your favourite NZ book. We want to hear what was so great about that book
And in October - get that letter to us between 1-30 October and you could win BIG!
Encourage any kids you know to Jump on the ASB website and download an entry form
(thanks ASB)
I was disappointed that my local Library had not done any displays about NZ Book Month...but they have beautifully printed flyers asking their patrons to tell them how they can I did just that by telling them to lift their game in New Zealand Book Month....and gave them lots of suggestions...including ‘and you could put my book on the shelf’...
It is embarrassing when local kids come up to me and tell me they can’t find it in their library.
I have been having a discussion today with various people about what writers are worth... Gavin Bishop at Spinning Gold made a comment directed at the Illustrators but it applies to the writers too...we spent years trying to get recognition and a decent fee paid to us for talks and workshops...don’t do things for free....
And he does have a point...but how do you go about asking for money?
On the other hand does your plumber work for free?
I am struggling with very negative feeling towards my child’s school who booked me to do eight workshops over two days after Spinning Gold...I presented to half the school and got paid...a small bunch of flowers.
So New Zealand Book Month....Get out there and support New Zealand writers...(and pay them...)
PS Here’s some maths for you...average print run in NZ. 3000...Writer gets between 3% and 10% of RRP....Most print runs barely sell out.....of course we are rich....not.