Thursday, June 2, 2011


I have lost count of how many times over the last two years that I have said Publishing is changing rapidly. 

About the only consistent thing you can say about publishing today is that next week it will have changed.

Five years ago Print was all you had to worry about in a publishing contract... and the heady dreams of maybe a movie...(See that pie in the sky?). 

Three years ago digital rights were being talked about, but nobody really knew what they were.

 Last week Amazon reported they had sold more ebooks than print. Barry Eisler signed a print deal with Amazon, whereupon Amazon has now leapt into the ranks of traditional publishers. Agents are becoming publishers. Writers are earning more from selling their own back list as ebooks than they get with a current print book in the market place. 

Traditional publishers are looking at the rapid changes and wondering how they are going to stay in business...(Will they go the way of the big music publishers???) 

So this week it was no surprise that the latest publishing contracts have been under scrutiny and Boy Do They Make Scary Reading Now!

I flagged this on Facebook when I read it. Writers need to be very aware of how contracts are changing. 

He says
While the band is playing and champagne flows, people make brave speeches about the timelessness of their trade. But, make no mistake, a battle is underway below-decks for spots on the lifeboats. If it’s necessary to toss authors over the side to make room, well, that’s just the nature of the business these days.

Check out warrenty clauses, non compete clauses and a nice little phrase called ‘Electronic Version’

Kristine Rusch described this
Think about this: movies are digitized—they are performance, and they are often distributed online. Not only does that clause allow someone to monkey with your work, abridging it, taking it out of order, adding things to it, making it into a performance piece, adding sound effects, but it also is a backwards way of granting television rights, video display rights, and any other performance right, so long as that performance can be distributed electronically.

Read both Passive Guy and Kristine Rusch and bookmark the pages...

Another writer taking a close look at contracts is Victoria Strauss on the Writer Beware site. She has a post up- Contract Red Flag: The Net Profit Royalty Clause...when this is slipped into a contract it means the royalty is paid at the very end, after every discount has been taken off, then you get your 10% of what’s left...hmmmm.

Victoria has also been looking the stoush between Publishers and Agents. As publishers attempt to go behind the agents backs to reprint authors backlists. Agents are not amused! The whole issue becomes messy when you have agents wanting to digitize their clients back list themselves...

If you are looking at alternatives in your publishing decisions...The Book Designer has listed the top ten e-publishing guides that will help you.

Bob Mayer has a very informative post on ebook pricing and perceived value...what does that 99c ebook really do for your sales...

In the craft corner,

Mary Kole has a great post on Physical Cliché much head tilting, eye rolling can you stand?


Over on Craicerplus, (My Amplify Page) I have links to articles on

10 Questions To Ask Before Writing

What’s A Book App?

30 Ways To Know You Are A Children’s Writer (guiltyguilty)

Mal Peets Reply To Amis’ Trashing Of Kids Lit. (the man’s absolutely right!)

Why It Is Hard To Write Fantasy If You Are A Girl (who wants to be typecast as a writer because of your gender...?

To Finish,

Chuck Wendig has a post on how to tell you are a writer...This has a warning on it...Contains Language...(that always makes me roll my eyes when I see it on a review- Of course there is language..print or verbal...) However you will laugh...ROFLMAO...


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fire Up Your Imagination...

Once in a while you come across an article that sets your imagination on fire. 

This week that happened to me when I read Dean Wesley Smith’s article on selling ebooks. I have sent the link to indie bookstore owners that I know...small publishers that I know... and tertiary writing course instructors. 
Dean sets out, step by step, an innovative way to market ebooks. It is stunning in its simplicity and very very do-able. Even if you have no interest in ebooks, read this article it will change the way you think about ebooks and marketing. 
If you know any indie booksellers pass the link on to everyone...It might save some jobs!

This week BEA is happening. BEA is Book Expo of the biggest book industry events in the world. 

Why am I interested? Generally what is talked about at BEA or unveiled at BEA changes the publishing industry in some way. Keeping an eye on BEA means you are keeping up with new publishing trends. 

Publishing Perspectives is posting a whole series of articles on what is happening at BEA while it is happening. Think of it as a Daily Newspaper with new editions coming out through the day...Here are two I have picked out for you but there are plenty more...

International rights in a changing world...This is a report from a panel of rights experts talking about what is selling around the world and why...For instance Japan wants self help books...don’t bother trying to sell crime and disaster books there.

Ten tips for producing videos...this link from Publishing Perspectives includes a great promotional video...You will learn stuff!!!

Janet Reid talks about the big news at BEA -  Barry Eisler cutting a print publishing deal with....Amazon.  Check out the advance and then stop and think about how Amazon is now moving into the print publishing business...first the e storefront then the ebook  and ereader and now PRINT...(traditional publishing anyone?)

Jane Friedman this week wrote about 3 publishing trends that writers must be aware of. If you read this blog often you will be able to pick some...Go on, have a bet with yourself and see if you are right.

Scott Young has written a great article on writing. Do you focus on your weakness and strive to master it or just keep writing and learn by osmosis?

The Blood Red Pencil is a source of great articles for writers. Here is a pertinent one for me which might help you as well, How To Earn Your Info Dump. Have you done heaps of research and are now trying to fit it into the book while trying to avoid having a character sound like a textbook....Read this article.

Over on Craicerplus( My Amplify Page) I have links to articles on

Agents As Publishers- Writer Beware. (this is an important post on an increasing trend)

Rethinking The Authors Career Path

Fiction Uncovered- Get Noticed By The Bookstore. (This is a great article on a UK Arts council initiative to expose readers to writers who are flying under the radar...)  On the same theme here is an extra link for you -Romancing the Bookstore.

Seek A Genre-The Path Ahead is Lit ( a very funny take on genre writing)

To Finish,

From time to time, people contact me and ask my advice about something to do with the publishing industry...or the main themes of my blog... or do I know where they can get information on.....

This week I had two different to do with social media and one to do with which publishing track would be the right fit for a particular project.

I am flattered to be asked...(you think I know something????) I then spend a few hours thinking my way around and through the question before I put together a response...I don’t tell anyone what they should do...but I will help, if I am able, with being a sounding board.

So two links pertaining to those questions which popped up today that readers might be interested in.

FaBo Story 2- Planet FaBo is nearly set for lift off. If you know any kids who want to be part of it feel free to direct them to the Fabo Story site...where once again Kiwi Kids Writers pit themselves against Kiwi Kids.... 
Oh the pressure!


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